Diabetes and Bodybuilding
By: Shannon Clark
You read information about bodybuilding, and then you read information aboutdiabetes. But very rarely do you read information about the two together.
One thing many people miss is the connection between bodybuilding and diabetes. While if you have diabetes, getting involved in bodybuilding is not automatically going to cure you - but the benefits of a regular strength training program as far as diabetes is concerned are tremendous.
Not only will bodybuilding help to prevent the onset of adult diabetes, which is one of the most prevalent diseases today, but it will also really play an important role in controlling it in those who are already affected.
Here is why bodybuilding is a must if this disease is something you are concerned with.
Bodybuilding Will Help To Prevent The Onset Of Adult Diabetes,
Which Is One Of The Most Prevalent Diseases Today.
1. Decreased Total Body Weight:
One of the first reasons why weightlifting is helpful when trying to manage diabetes is because of the fact it helps to decrease the total body weight through the reduction of body fat tissue.
Unlike cardio training which has a higher tendency to reduce both fat and muscle mass, weight training really helps with the promotion of lean body mass while dieting, thus helps prevent this muscle mass loss.
Since having a high body fat level is strongly correlated with the onset of diabetes, keeping this factor under control is extremely important.
Weight Training Really Helps With The Promotion Of Lean Body
Mass While Dieting, Thus Helps Prevent This Muscle Mass Loss.
2. Increased Blood Glucose Control:
Next, bodybuilding dramatically increases your blood glucose control as when weight lifting, the muscle tissues are primed to suck up any excess glucose in the blood.
Furthermore, since carbohydrates are stored in the body as muscle glycogen, an increase in muscle mass means more storage room, reducing the chances these carbohydrates are floating around in the bloodstream or converted to body fat.
When Weight Lifting, The Muscle Tissues Are Primed
To Suck Up Any Excess Glucose In The Blood.
3. Increased Attitude Towards Food Intake:
The third reason why there is a strong connection between bodybuilding and diabetes is simply the mindset that those who are very involved with bodybuilding adopt.
Due to the nature of their training and the desire to build muscle, they are paying very close attention to their meal frequency.
Since one of the big treatment methods of those who do suffer from diabetes is eating in regular intervals to never let blood sugar levels get too low or too high, this fits right in with the bodybuilder's diet set-up.
One Of The Big Treatment Methods Of Those Who Do
Suffer From Diabetes Is Eating In Regular Intervals.
4. More Care Paid To Meal Frequency:
In addition to paying more attention to meal frequency, bodybuilders are also a lot more likely to take more care in their meal choices.
Whether it's limiting the amount of saturated fat they consume or only eating slow-burning carbohydrates apart from the post-workout period, most of the eating habits adopted by the bodybuilding lifestyle are very in accordance with those recommend for preventing or treating diabetes.
Furthermore, those who decide to utilize a lower carb approach to match their workouts take things one step further, as this especially can help manage diabetes.
It is important to note though that intense exercise cannot be performed unless carbohydrates are taken in at some point, so make sure you don't write them off completely.
You do need carbohydrates to function and workout properly, so it's important to learn how to do so properly if you are dealing with diabetes.
Intense Exercise Cannot Be Performed Unless
Carbohydrates Are Taken In At Some Point.
5. More Glucose Storage In The Body:
Finally, the last big reason why bodybuilding will help with the prevention and treat diabetes is the increase glucose storage that occurs in the body as a result.
Muscle tissue is the storage house for glucose in the body and when running low, will suck it up from the bloodstream. As referred to above, this is good for keeping total blood sugars under control, especially if you eat a meal that is higher in carbohydrates.
So, the more muscle you are able to build through bodybuilding, the more storage house capacity you'll have for this glucose, hence the more carbohydrates you should be able to eat without having as much of a problem.
The More Muscle You Are Able To Build Through Bodybuilding,
The More Storage House Capacity You'll Have For Glucose.
Precautions To Take When Lifting With Diabetes
Now, while bodybuilding in itself is generally good for those concerned with diabetes, there are some precautions that must be taken to ensure you stay safe while performing your workouts.
1. Around Workout Nutrition:
Depending on the severity of your condition, you may really need to monitor how many carbohydrates you eat during the pre- or post-workout meals.
Rapidly dropping blood sugar levels could prove to be very dangerous while you are in the middle of a workout, so you need to be absolutely sure this does not occur.
Likewise, don't begin thinking you can really carb load before a workout and those muscles will just suck it up or you could wind up in trouble.
It's important to try a variety of different carbohydrate amounts for these meals - or ask your doctor what they would recommend (since they will know more about your exact health status). Finding that perfect fit for you and your workouts will be critical.
2. Not Working Out Without Carbs:
Secondly, it's important that you don't try and workout without carbs completely, as that too will cause problems with performance.
Weight training is a form of exercise that demands carbs are present in the body in order for the muscles to contract with enough intensity, therefore make sure you don't try and workout without eating some type of carbohydrates beforehand.
Weight Training Is A Form Of Exercise That Demands Carbs Are Present
In The Body In Order For The Muscles To Contract With Enough Intensity.
So, don't miss out on the bodybuilding-diabetes connection. Exercise plays a vital role with this disease, but many people don't realize just how beneficial getting into bodybuilding can be for managing it.
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